Today's Inspiration – Touching hearts, moving souls, and nudging minds

God, Thanks for the wake up call as well as the opportunity to affect the world. You are greatly appreciated.

Sister love

I consider myself a people watcher. It’s quite interesting to watch people go about there day.
Something I have noticed about women in particular is that a lot of them do a lot of hating on each other. It seems as though there is an auto-hate mode wired in some of their brains, and it immediately switches on as soon as they see another woman. So they are instantly looking for something about that woman to negatively comment about.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that all women are like this, but they seem to be outnumbering the ones who aren’t. If women actually acknowledged and realized the the power that they have, they would be running the world; and men just might be second class citizens.
F.Y.I. this is why men can get away with so much bull$hit, when dealing intimately with women; because of all of the hateration.
Wake up ladies, and love your sister as you do yourself.

L. Carter

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