Today's Inspiration – Touching hearts, moving souls, and nudging minds

God, Thanks for the wake up call as well as the opportunity to affect the world. You are greatly appreciated.

Greatest love of all

I think Whitney said it best when she said “learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all.”


He’s just not into you

Ladies, you know when that man is just not into you. Stop making excuses for him. If you feel you deserve better, then believe it. Until you decide not to settle for less, you always will.



We will never be able to avoid death, just as we can not avoid life. The choice we have is whether we are going to live… or watch life go by.


What’s in your wallet?

Many people attribute wealth to having a lot of money; when in actuality if you counted your blessings, but only had lint in your pocket, you would realize that you really are wealthier than most. Appreciate what you have, while you aspire for more.


Smiles can change the world

A simple genuine smile could in fact change someone’s day… in turn changing the world. Often times it is the smallest and most simple things that make a world of difference.


Never judge what you can do, by what others couldn’t!

If we all believed that we couldn’t do something

because we’ve seen others fail at it,

There wouldn’t be any planes, trains, automobiles,

computers, cell phones, or lights for that matter.

Never judge what you can do, by what others couldn’t!


You are only wasting time by complaining about it

If you CAN change it,

you are only wasting time

by complaining about it.

If you CAN’T change it,

you are only wasting time

by complaining about it.


Tell a child

Whatever you repeatedly tell a child they are, they believe and become. Be sure to tell them that they’re a star, so they will grow to be one!


Realistic goals

We must be honest with ourselves, and set realistic goals for ourselves. We have to understand what we are capable of doing and what we are ready to take on our plates. Otherwise we set ourselves up for failure and disappointment. Know yourself and be honest with yourself.


Light can’t exist without darkness

Without light… how can we appreciate the dark? Or vice versa. We as humans must realize and appreciate the differences in life, in order to appreciate the lessons that life teaches us. For if we don’t get involved with the people who are no good for us, how could we appreciate true beauty when it enters our life? A lot of times we are blind to what other people can see. And being blind, we become deaf when they are trying to show us their view. Therefore we become stupid. A harsh word I know, but we all go through it; its part of experience. And without being stupid, how would we become smart?
